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Children's Survival Kit / Go Bag
Guardian Deluxe Children's Survival Kit This survival kit was designed to meet the needs of a child 11 years and younger. This quality kit is packaged securely in our Child Deluxe Hikers Backpack. No matter what the situation that is lying before you.... whether a firestorm, earthquake, tornado, hurricane or any of the other very frightening events that occur, children are particularly vulnerable. Adults forget the emotional state of kids are shaped during their formative years. Kids NEED to feel in control, just like adults do. Giving each of your children their own Emergency Go Bag / Survival Kit will help them during that crucial time... not only physically, but emotionally as well. Make sure to pack the bag with some extra clothing and any medicines they may need. Make sure you sit down with your kids and go over your Emergency Family Plan and where the kits will be stowed. We suggest also labeling the packs with each of your children's names. The kit includes the following: Food and Water: Light and Communication: Tools: Hygiene and Sanitation:
First Aid:
Entertainment: These items are useful for stress relief and activity in strenuous or challenging circumstances. Emergency Survival Kit Information:
This survival kit was designed using advice from experts in the emergency preparedness industry. It follows guidelines given by government agencies and non-profit preparedness organizations. This children's emergency survival kit has a retail value of $129.99
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